Monday, March 7, 2016

What Causes Obesity?

What are the causes of obesity?

Obesity has many causes. Some causes can be prevented, others cannot. However, it is important to know of all these causes so that caution can be taken and the battle against obesity can be won.

Causes of obesity
What leads to obesity

Improper Energy Balance: 

Improper energy balance is the largest cause of obesity. Having an energy balance means that your amount of energy that you put in your body is the same amount of energy that you put out of your body. The energy that you put in your body is your calories from food and drinks. The energy that you put out is the energy that your body burns during exercise as well as daily functions. Energy balance can be broken down into simple equations. 
Caloric intake equations

Maintained Weight

Lose Weight

Gain Weight

Caloric intake equations

Inactive Lifestyle:

An inactive lifestyle is a huge contributor to obesity. In general, many Americans are not physically active. This could be due to the overwhelmingly growing amount of technology and our fascination with it.In fact the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute states that "more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing time has been linked to overweight and obesity." Inactive individuals are more likely to gain weight because they are not burning off the calories that they are consuming. This sedentary lifestyle not only can cause obesity but other health related diseases as well.

Contributions to obesity.

Complications of obesity.

Non Preventative Causes:

Genes: Genetics can play a factor in obesity. Since obesity tends to run in families, if one or both of your parents is obese, you have a greater risk of become obese. Children tend to mock their parents habits. If a parent is in poor health, chances are the child will be also.
DNA can effect obesity

Health Conditions: There are some conditions that cause difficulties with hormones. Some are Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome.All of the previous conditions listed can cause uncontrollable weight gain due to their side effects.

Hypothyroidism example
Cushing's Disease example

Medicines: Some medicines may cause a person to gain weight. Such as corticosteroids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines. These medicines don't directly cause weight gain. However, they cause a slower calorie burning rate, an increased appetite, and they cause the body to hold on to extra water. All of these symptoms together produce weight gain.

Medicines that can contribute to weight gain.


What Causes Overweight and Obesity? (n.d.). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from

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